European Cyber Agora: Panel on Digital sovereignty and strategic autonomy
We are pleased to join the European Cyber Agora initiative, a new inclusive multistakeholder initiative for a digital Europe, organized by Microsoft from 2 to 3 June as a virtual event.
Julia Pohle
Dr. Julia Pohle is a senior researcher in the research group "Politics of Digitalization" at the WZB Berlin Social Science Center.
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Theodore Christakis
Theodore Christakis is Professor of International and European Law at the University Grenoble Alpes. He is the Director of the Centre for International Security and European Studies (CESICE) and Co-Director of the Grenoble Alpes Data Institute.
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Paul Timmers
Paul Timmers is research associate at the University of Oxford, adjunct professor at the European University Cyprus and visiting professor at Rijeka University. He is a former Director at the European Commission Directorate for Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity.
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Frances Burwell
Frances G. Burwell is a distinguished fellow at the Atlantic Council and a senior director at McLarty Associates. Until January 2017, she served as vice president, European Union and Special Initiatives, at the Council.
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Senior Fellow Dennis Broeders will be hosting a workshop as part of the Academic Track on Wednesday 2 June, from 14:20-15:35, on the topic "Digital sovereignty and strategic autonomy: what room for a democratic narrative?":
Although liberal states see the principle of sovereignty as foundational to the international order, they have not engaged with the notion of digital sovereignty in the international debate about cyberspace, given their emphasis on the merits of the internet as a global and open network. However, they have now come to the point where they have to engage with the issue of digital sovereignty and the notion of strategic autonomy at the EU level. Considerations of economic security, the role of disinformation and geopolitical tensions lead liberal states into debates about ‘information security’ and ‘digital sovereignty’, traditionally championed by Russia and China. How can the EU and its member states construct a democratic narrative on digital sovereignty that marries the anchor of freedom with the need to protect national interests?
On Thursday 3 June, Dennis Broeders will also participate as a speaker on the panel "European Cybersecurity research and analysis: best practices for information sharing and collaboration with policy-makers", hosted by Clotilde Bômont (GÉODE), Aude Géry (GÉODE) and Jakob Bund (ETH Zürich). The other speakers on the panel are Camille Gufflet (Policy Officer, European External Action Service (EEAS)), Velimir Radicevic (Associate Project Manager, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)), and Carolin Weisser Harris (Lead International Operations, Global Cyber Security Capacity Centre, University of Oxford):
This session will focus on how researchers in social sciences and public cybersecurity organisations across Europe can best collaborate. First, we will present innovative examples of collaborative structures at the national levels. Then, through several breakout sessions each focusing on an area of cyber policy, participants will dive deeper into the challenges involved in such collaborations and identify best practices for such collaborations.
For more information and the other workshops and partners, please visit the European Cyber Agora website.
You can register for our workshop and other sessions via this link.