The Hague Program for Cyber Norms continues as The Hague Program on International Cyber Security from 2022 onwards.
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Sara Pangrazzi

PhD Candidate and Research Associate at the Institute of International and Comparative Constitutional Law, University of Zurich

Sara Pangrazzi is a PhD Candidate and research associate at the Institute of International Law and Comparative Constitutional Law of the University of Zurich, Switzerland. Her doctoral research analyses states’ countermeasures to cyber attacks from an international law perspective. She holds a Bachelor and Master of Law from the University of Zurich and completed postgraduate law classes at the University of New South Wales in Sydney, Australia. She conducted research within a one-month doctoral exchange program (LERU) at the University of Barcelona, and will be researching on cyber attacks and countermeasures in Washington D.C. at the Woodrow Wilson Center in September - December 2020. She multidisciplinary collaborates on cyber diplomacy, cybersecurity and tech issues with foraus, the Swiss think tank on foreign policy, which bridges the gap between academia and politics by generating high quality recommendations for Swiss foreign policy decision makers and the public.

Current and future visiting fellows

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